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This anthology has 64 dichos. It also has well-known Spanish poems by among others, Jose Martí, Luis de Góngora, Nicolás Guillén and Federico Garcia Lorca.

Nútreme Hoy, No en la Muerte: Proyecto de poesía de Alzheimer
Redactado por Anacelie Verde Claro and
Gary Glazner
Poem Factory Press

Pan es pan, queso es queso
no hay amor si no hay un beso.

Bread is bread, cheese is cheese,
there is no love without a kiss.

The idea for this book came after Glazner gave a talk at an Alzheimer’s Conference in Taos, New Mexico. A mother and daughter came up to him and told that their husband/father, living with memory loss had begun to recite Dichos. These proverbs or sayings are common for many Spanish speaking people.

Please buy the book today, only- $ 25.50 (including shipping and handling)
All proceeds help support the Alzheimer's Poetry Project.

It has what we believe is the first English translation of a poem version of “La Llorona.” During a search for poetry to use in the project, we read a rhymed, rhythmic poem version of the folk tale “La Llorona,” collected by Vicente Riva Palacio and Juan de Dios Peza in the 1890s and published in 1927 in the book, “Tradiciones y Leyendas.” As far as we know, this is the first English translation of this version of “La Llorona,” which has a feel and structure similar to the work of Edgar Allen Poe. In working with young students and using this folk tale, they often swear that they have felt her icy fingers and that “La Llorona” is quite real.

Proyecto de poesía de Alzheimer 14
The Alzheimer’s Poetry Project 18
Con respeto: Por qué importa el cuidar 22
With Respect: Why Caregiving Matters 27
Consejos sobre recitar la poesía 31
Tips on Reciting Poetry 33
Dichos, Máximas y Refranes 35
Sayings, Maxims & Proverbs 35
Poemas 57
Poems 57
Soneto 58
Sonnet 59
Yo soy Ardiente, Yo soy Morena 60
I am Dark, I am on Fire 61
Two Homelands 63
Tú me quieres blanca 64
You Want Me to Be White 65
Balada de los dos abuelos 68
Ballad of the Two Grandfathers 69
Análisis de las partes de que se compone un beso 74
Analysis of the Parts that Comprise a Kiss 75
Si Me Dan Pasteles 76
If You Serve Pasteles 76
La Llorona 78
Notas sobre La Llorona 106
Notes on La Llorona 106
Notas sobre el tango 107
Notes on the Tango 110
The Little Handkerchief 113
El choclo 114
The Ear of Corn 115
La cumparsita 118
La Cumparsita 119